10-11-11 Knitting and Crochet

Jenni Cresswell


Jenni Cresswell

These sinister creatures turn up all over the place. Watch out for their animated adventure in 2012.

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I’m incredibly pleased with my crocheted heart cushion. No, I’m not obsessed with hearts by the way (don’t get me started on grown women ‘collecting’ things like hearts, elephants, Disney memorabilia…!). But hearts are so nice and cheerful, are they not?

I used a pattern from The Left Side of Crochet, which I love and will definitely use again, especially as by now I know it off by heart (excuse the pun!). I whip stitched the 16 squares together, then whip stitched (is that an Americanism? I’m not sure what the UK equivalent is) the crocheted cover straight onto a cheap and cheerful, plain white Ikea cushion. I didn’t do the back, just stitched the from straight on. The cover doesn’t even come off the Ikea cushion. I’m hoping that the whole thing can go straight in the wash if necessary *crosses fingers*.

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